Red Clicker Station
What Station is This?
I am on a never-ending journey to find new ways to innovate and add extra depth to my work. Explore my updated Drawing Portfolio to discover my influences and inspirations. I draw telephone and electric poles that line all our streets. I take commissions and encourage you to submit a pole to me to draw! They can be a gift for others or for you to mark a location. The fee for any pole I draw is 50$. If you are interested in purchasing a pole, I will ship for free anywhere in the USA.===== If you are interested in purchasing an artwork from this site,...- please message me personally and we will privately do the exchange on Venmo. It's safer and easier.======= :::Thank you so much <3<3<3<3
This Station is a substation of Haywire Hill, the Home of Wholesome. My home... If you need a new Home: Link is here>>>>----->>> https://www.reddit.com/r/Haywire_Hill/

Why Poles?
Since I started drawing telephone poles earlier this year, I have received so much wonderful feedback. It started as a way to practice detail in drawings in general, and became my fixation. Taking pictures and drawing these poles have connected me to others, and it continues to run. This is a way to give back and to inspire those who inspire me. Look up, and around you and don't miss the little things that connect us. They are all around.
May the Poles be with you.